Horse Details
Lulu is gentle and would make someone an excellent family horse and She's great on trail!! Registered name: RMK Teiddwen Talulla Location: Jamestown Tennessee Pssm1 - one marker Height: 14.2 hh Age: 6 Registered GVHS She is also a multi grand and Reserve Grand Champion as well as a GVHS 4 STAR 100% sound and healthy Two blue eyes!! Lots of hair and great conformation!! Has never foaled yet!! Lulu loves trail and beginners can ride her. She goes through water and loves to lead. No rear , kick , buck or bite. She had 30 days professional training last year and since than has been a trail / family horse. She will make someone very happy!! She is great around kids and loves people. She's very friendly. She gets along with other horses no problem. She's never foundered and is barefoot. Pm me for more!! More videos available for serious peo
Horse Images
Horse Specifications
- Name:
- Breed:
- Hight:
- Color :
- Birthday:
- Broke:
- Gypsy
- Location :
- Price:
- Horse Status:
- Sold