Now sold- Bridget - Bay Dun mare INFOAL. In Tennessee.
Horse Details
Meet San Cler Bridget Athol-Brose, “Bridget.” Bay DUN mare IN FOAL!!
Located in Pikeville, Tennessee.
Born 08/07/2018.
Color/Pattern: EE Aa W20/W20 Dd.
Bridget displays beautiful striping on hear legs and variation in her mane from her dun gene.
GVHS: Pending Evaluation, DNA Case # H22-08353.
She has had two foals to date. One Grulla colt who’s also available, and one bay Dun filly who’s homozygous for the Dun gene.
She is in foal for a mid-July foal delivery to a buckskin tobiano stallion, RG Encore’s Mason (EE Aa CRn W20/TO).
Dam: Foundation Mare.
Sire: Foundation Stallion.
Bridget is the matriarch of one of the three dun pedigrees currently producing GVHS registered dun foals (the other two being Coates Shady Lady and Dun Dreamin’).
Bidget is currently 13.3hh and should make 14 hands before she is done growing.
She is tested PSSM1 and FIS negative.
25 k in foal
She’s an easy keeper and she is built like a tank. She is a little protective of her foals around other horses. She is a very good mother. She has been a wonderful broodmare and has basic training for haltering, leading, grooming, trailering, and farrier work. She stands perfect and patiently for the farrier. She is great for everyday handling and is not easily spooked. She is a wonderful mare to handle and work with. She is up-to-date on all standard care. If you’d like to know more, please PM me.
Horse Images

Horse Specifications
- Name:
- Breed:
- Hight:
- Color :
- Birthday:
- Broke:
- Bridget
- Bay DUN
- Location :
- Price:
- Horse Status:
- 25 k IN FOAL
- Sold